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Finally, Some Relief! Holistic Solutions for Women’s Top 4 Pain Points

Pain is an intricate sensation that affects millions of individuals worldwide, but it's particularly prevalent among women. Various factors, including biological, hormonal, and social aspects, contribute to this phenomenon. In the realm of healthcare, managing pain is a crucial aspect of enhancing quality of life, particularly for women who often experience unique and multifaceted forms of pain. Beyond conventional treatments, holistic approaches offer promising avenues for alleviating women's pain by addressing its underlying causes and promoting overall well-being. From back pain and headaches to arthritis and chronic pelvic pain, women encounter various types of discomfort influenced by biological, hormonal, and social factors. In this article, we delve into the significance of holistic practices in managing women's pain, exploring the effectiveness of herbal remedies, supplements, and lifestyle modifications in providing natural relief. By embracing holistic approaches,

5 Holistic Remedies for Women's Heart Health: Natural Ways to Keep Your Heart Strong

Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women, and it is a serious health concern that should not be taken lightly. While many women are aware of the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising regularly, eating a balanced diet, and quitting smoking, there are also several holistic remedies that can help maintain heart health. In this article, we will explore the heart health benefits of five holistic remedies for women.


Flaxseed emerges as a powerhouse of omega-3 fatty acids, essential for reducing blood pressure and inflammation. Rich in lignans, plant compounds, flaxseed aids in diminishing cholesterol and arterial plaque buildup. Research, such as a study in the Journal of Nutrition, underscores flaxseed's efficacy in lowering blood pressure, especially for individuals with hypertension. To incorporate flaxseed into your routine, consider adding it to meals or opting for flaxseed supplements.


Renowned for its culinary and medicinal properties, garlic offers notable benefits for heart health. Studies have shown garlic's potential to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Antioxidants present in garlic protect the heart from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. To enjoy the benefits, include minced garlic in your cooked vegetables or explore garlic supplements.

Coenzyme Q-10

Coenzyme Q-10 as an antioxidant, plays a crucial role in safeguarding cells from damage, thereby supporting heart health. Studies, such as those published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, highlight CoQ10's effectiveness in reducing blood pressure, particularly in individuals with hypertension. Incorporating CoQ10 supplements into your routine can be beneficial.

Ceylon Cinnamon

Cinnamon helps the heart in several ways. A 2013 review study of 10 previous studies found that a small daily dose of cinnamon decreased levels of total cholesterol, “bad” LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides, a harmful type of blood fat. It also lowered blood sugar, protecting against diabetes, which is a risk factor for heart disease.

Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon are two different types of cinnamon. Ceylon cinnamon is considered the healthier of the two and is more expensive. It has a milder flavor than cassia cinnamon because it contains less cinnamaldehyde, the essential oil compound that gives cinnamon its distinctive taste and flavor. Cassia cinnamon is the most common type of cinnamon found in grocery stores. Cassia contains a lot of coumarin, which can be toxic in large quantities. High doses of coumarin consumption have been linked to liver damage, impaired cognitive development, and even cancer formation in both animal and human studies.  Therefore, if you regularly eat a lot of cinnamon or take a supplement that contains it, then it should be Ceylon and not cassia. Ceylon cinnamon is a safer option for your spice rack if you want to maintain a healthy heart as a woman.

Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate juice boasts a rich antioxidant profile, offering protection against heart damage induced by free radicals. Studies, such as one published in the American Journal of Cardiology, reveal its positive impact on improving blood flow in individuals with coronary heart disease. Incorporating an 8-ounce glass of pomegranate juice into your daily regimen can be beneficial for heart health.

Lifestyle Modifications 

In addition to these holistic remedies, it is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of heart disease. Eating a heart-healthy diet based on fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, staying active, and not smoking can all help maintain heart health. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women who followed a healthy lifestyle had a lower risk of heart disease than those who did not.

Heart disease is a serious health concern for women, but there are several holistic remedies that can help maintain heart health. Flaxseed, garlic, CoQ10, Ceylon cinnamon, and pomegranate juice are all effective ways to reduce the risk of heart disease in women. By incorporating these remedies into your daily routine, along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle, you can help protect your heart and live a healthier life!

For more information on the 10 best foods you should be eating for a heart-healthy diet, check out triple board certified physician Dr. Frita Fisher, MD


  1. UC Health. (2021, September 29). The top 5 women's health concerns to watch for. UC Health.

  1. Harvard Health Publishing. (n.d.). Gender matters: Heart disease risk in women. Harvard Health.

  1. Cleveland HeartLab, Inc. (2019, February 25). Top Herbs for Your Heart. Cleveland HeartLab, Inc.

  1. Aviram, M., Rosenblat, M., Gaitini, D., Nitecki, S., Hoffman, A., Dornfeld, L., Volkova, N., Presser, D., Attias, J., Liker, H., Hayek, T. (2004). Pomegranate juice consumption for 3 years by patients with carotid artery stenosis reduces common carotid intima-media thickness, blood pressure and LDL oxidation. American Journal of Cardiology, 94(10), 1-4.

  1. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2013; 13: 275. Published online 2013 Oct 22. doi: 10.1186/1472-6882-13-275


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